Longest prefix matching - trie

Longest prefix matching
Given a dictionary of words and an input string,
find the longest prefix of the string which is also a word in dictionary.
Let the dictionary contains the following words:
{are, area, base, cat, cater, children, basement}

Below are some input/output examples:
Input String            Output
caterer                 cater
basemexy                base
child                   < Empty >


using namespace std;

struct node {
       char val;
       node *next[26];
       bool isEnd;
       node(char ch) {
              val = ch;
              isEnd = false;
              for(int i = 0; i<26; i++) next[i] = nullptr;

class trie {
       trie(string *dictionary, int size);
       void buildtrie();
       node** gettrie();
       ~trie() { }
       node *root[26];
       int sz;
       string *dic;

trie :: trie(string *dictionary, int size) {
       dic = dictionary;
       sz = size;
       for (int i = 0; i<26; i++) root[i] = nullptr;

void trie :: buildtrie() {

       //if(dic == nullptr) return;
       node **temp;
       for(int i = 0; i<sz; i++) {
              temp = root;
              for(int j = 0; j<dic[i].size(); j++) {
                     if(temp[dic[i][j] - 'a'] == nullptr) {
                           temp[dic[i][j] - 'a'] = new node(dic[i][j]);   
                     if (j == dic[i].size()-1)
                           temp[dic[i][j] - 'a']->isEnd = true;
                     temp = temp[dic[i][j] - 'a']->next;                   

node ** trie :: gettrie() {
       return root;

string getlongestprefix(string str, node **root) {
       node **temp = root;
       string out, st;
       if (str == "") return str;
       int i = 0;
       while (temp[str[i] - 'a'] != nullptr)
              if (temp[str[i] - 'a']->isEnd) out = st;
              temp = temp[str[i] - 'a']->next;
       return out;

void main() {
       string dic[] = {"are","base", "area""cat", "cater", "children", "basement"};
       int sz = sizeof(dic) / sizeof(string);
       string str = "basementxy";
       node** root;
       trie mytrie(dic, sz);
       root = mytrie.gettrie();
       cout << getlongestprefix(str, root)<<endl;


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